Your issues
in environmental and energy management:

The challenges of environmental and energy management are manifold, and it is important that companies recognize and take them into account in their strategies. Environmental and energy management systems are part of a broader approach to implementing QHSE (Quality - Health - Safety - Environment) management systems. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, developing a sustainable economy and preserving natural resources are the main challenges facing environmental and energy management:
- Savings/decrease in: energy consumption, noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, overheads, etc.
- Compliance with current standards and regulations
- Enhance your image through transparent communication with staff, local residents, customers, environmental associations, elected representatives, insurers, etc.
- Opening up to new markets.
- Involvement of all staff in a unifying project
Apave solutions

Apave is stepping up its commitment as a responsible player with the launch of its "Green&Social" range of solutions to support its customers in their sustainable transitions and help them meet the societal and environmental challenges of today and tomorrow.
- Consulting on low-carbon strategy and control of your greenhouse gas emissions declarations
- Consulting, diagnostics and studies related to polluted sites and soils or to the prevention of soil pollution (Consulting, diagnostics and studies related to polluted sites and soils and the sealing of tanks for flammable or combustible liquids).
- Consulting and certification in management systems: environmental (ISO 14001), energy (ISO 50001)
- Energy performance assessment
- ICPE support and inspections:
- To control chronic risks :
- ICPE risk management,
- Atmospheric pollution: control of atmospheric emissions, atmospheric deposition measurements, analysis and consulting, sampling of diffuse and channeled atmospheric emissions, measurement of outdoor environmental air quality.
- Water pollution: measurements, analyses and consulting, wastewater and process water analyses.
- Environmental noise measurements, acoustic and vibration analyses
- Waste diagnostics as part of impact studies or ISO 14001 certification.
- To control accidental risks:
- Hazard study
- Internal operation and emergency plans
- Support in controlling explosion risks (ATEX)
- To control chronic risks :
Apave's expertise
Apave in Africa boasts a network of 250 qualified and experienced auditors and 5 certifying entities. Our experts, who can be mobilized at any time throughout Africa, have multi-sector expertise (nuclear, agri-food, aerospace, etc.) and a perfect command of the normative requirements specific to the industry concerned. As a third-party organization, we are committed to carrying out a transparent and impartial assessment to validate the degree of compliance of your QHSE management systems with the relevant international standards. Integrity, attentiveness, professionalism and responsiveness are our core values. We offer you a rapid response, wherever you are, on time. |
A solid territorial network in Africa

Your questions about energy management systems
What is environmental management (ISO 14001)?
Environmental management is a set of practices designed to manage the environment and minimize the impact of human activities on it. This type of management may include measures such as waste recycling, protection of natural resources and efficient use of energy. It can also include policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.
ISO 14001 is a voluntary international standard for corporate environmental management. It enables environmental impacts to be determined, environmental policy to be developed, objectives to be set and regulations to be complied with. Benefits include identification of environmental aspects, nuisance reduction, regulatory compliance, transparent communication, improved image and new opportunities in the global marketplace. ISO 14001 certification proves your commitment to the environment on a global scale. -
What is energy management (ISO 50001)?
Energy management (ISO 50001) is an international standard that provides a framework for organizations wishing to improve their energy performance and reduce their energy consumption. The standard aims to help organizations implement, maintain and improve an energy management system. It emphasizes continuous improvement, taking into account socio-economic and environmental factors.
ISO 50 001 is a voluntary international standard for the development and implementation of a systematic energy management system to promote energy performance. It is part of the repository of management system standards based on continuous improvement (like QHSE management system standards such as ISO 9001 - Quality Management System and ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System). Certification of your energy management system to the ISO 50 001 standard enables you to demonstrate that you are complying with the energy efficiency policy you have set yourself. This certification is also part of your quality, CSR and environmental policy.The ISO 50 001 standard defines precise requirements for an energy management system (EMS), enabling an organization to:
- - Develop and implement a more efficient energy policy with a view to competitiveness
- - Establish objectives, targets, action and monitoring plans to meet the commitments expressed in this policy.
- - Measure the results of this energy policy on the basis of data
- - Take the necessary measures to continuously improve its energy performance.
- - Implement a continuous improvement process.
What is the link between energy, the environment and sustainable development?
Energy, the environment and sustainable development are closely linked. The production and use of energy have an impact on the environment and can contribute to achieving sustainable development goals. For example, the use of energy to produce light, heat and transport has environmental consequences. Burning fossil fuels to produce energy produces CO2 and other greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change and air pollution. Efficient energy management is therefore essential to minimize the negative impact on the environment and natural resources, and to adhere to a sustainable development approach. -
What environmental and energy management tools are available?
Environmental and energy management is a process that enables companies to manage their activities so as to minimize their environmental impact and energy consumption. To achieve this, they can use tools such as environmental audits, waste management plans, risk analysis and emissions control, energy management plans, sustainable development action plans and resource management plans. These tools are essential for implementing a genuine industrial ecology policy.
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