The harsh and high-risk nature of the environments in which oil and gas operations often take place, makes safety a top priority for industry stakeholders looking to:
- Ensure the safety of their teams through theoretical and practical training
- Develop the technical skills of their teams
- Ensure regulatory compliance
- Increase their environmental responsibility
- Develop the local workforce
- Manage health, safety and environmental (HSE) aspects
Success in the industry demands expertise, safety and a commitment to quality. As such, Apave offers a multitude of training courses dedicated to players in the oil and gas industry, designed to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed.
For your practical training needs, Apave can welcome you at one of it’s 2 regional training centres.

Apave Guinée Equatoriale

Apave Ghana
Off Takoradi-Elubo Highway, Nikola Tesla Drive WH 1434-4946
Ahanta West, Western Region, Ghana
Ghana Training centre |

- Nearly 3000m² site
- Inaugurated in 2022
- 120+ training courses offered
Apave Ghana Training Centre is OPITO approved for:
- BOSIET with CA - EBS
- FOET - with CA - EBS
- HUET - with CA - EBS
- Shallow Water Initial Deployment CA - EBS
- Initial Deployment CA - EBS
- Rigger Initial Training
- Rigger Competence Assessment
- Rigger Competence Re - assessment
- IMIST Invigilation Centre
- ISO 21001:2018 i kako del od Apave Ghana ISO 9001/ ISO 140001/ ISO 45001
- IRATA Rope Access centre
- SSI Diving School
The Apave Ghana training centre is a multidisciplinary centre offering local and regional players a complete range of more than 120 training courses all centred around safety. The Ghanaian training centre is also home to the first CompEx (international system for the validation of skills and certification of personnel working in explosive atmospheres) training facility in the country.
Our training courses
- Safety Engineering
- Safety in pressure testing
- Scaffolding erection, operation and inspection
- Slips, Trips & Falls
- Transport, storing and handling of dangerous goods
- Working at Height and rescue
- Working in above normal temperatures
- Authorized Gas tester/Portable gas detector Calibration and Maintenance
- Hazard Waste Operations and Emergency Response
- HAZOP Leader training / Member training
- Hot works: welding, cutting etc.
- Incident Investigation
- Mining safety
- Mobile Crane Training and Certification
- Oil Spill Response Principles & Management and/or Oil Spill Clearance
- Plant and equipment inspection safety
- PPE against fall from height
- Radiation Protection
- Rigging and slinging level 1 and 2
- Risk & Human Factors
- Risk assessment in Construction
- Risk awareness and Prevention
- Firefighting
- Accident Investigation
- Biochemical hazards in construction
- Cargo Carrying Unit
- Chemical Risk Prevention Training
- Crane Familiarization and Wire Rope Inspection
- Drilling and work over rigs
- Equipment Installation/Maintenance
- Excavations, Trenching & Shoring
- Flammable & Combustible Liquids
- Handling Gas Cylinders
- Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training - BOSIET
- Further Offshore Emergency Training - FOET
- Helicopter Underwater Escape Training - HUET
- Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training - T-BOSIET
- Tropical Further Offshore Emergency Training - T-FOET
- Tropical HUET
- Basic H2S Training
- Personnel Transfer Basket
- International Minimum Industry Safety Training - IMIST (online course)
- CA-EBS Initial Deployment
- Offshore Helicopter (HLO/HAD)
- Helideck Emergency Response (HERTM/HERTL)
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
- Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
- Offshore Emergency Response (OERTM/OERTL)
- Rigging Competency Stage 1/3/4
IRATA Rope Access (L1/L2/L3)
Many other training courses are available at our centre, so don't hesitate to contact us for more information.
Equatorial Guinea Training Centre |

- 2000m² site
- Established in 2005
- 150+ training courses offered
Certified according to: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, IRATA, SPRAT, OPITO, GWO
Class approvals: ABS, DNV-GL, Lloyd’s Register, BV, CRS, VR
Since its establishment in 2005, our Equatorial Guinea training centre has been supporting regional customers to ensure the safety of their operations. Our dedicated team of experts accompany our customers by providing a wide range of training solutions to meet their industry-related needs.
Our training courses
HSE Trainings
- Basic Safety Training
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (Basic)
- Medical First Aid
- Accident Investigation
- Asbestos Exposure
- Chemical Risk Prevention
- Construction machinery safety
- Defensive Driving
- Environmental Awareness
Offshore Safety Trainings (OPITO trainings)
- Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training - BOSIET
- Further Offshore Emergency Training - FOET
- Helicopter Underwater Escape Training - HUET
- Compressed Air – Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS)
- Offshore Helicopter Operations (HLO, HDM, HERTM, OERTM, etc.)
- Drilling and work over rigs
Electrical Inspection and Maintenance Trainings
- Electrical Safety on Construction Sites
- Equipment Installation/Maintenance
- Grounding & Bonding
- Lockout/Tag out Procedures
Training of Lifting Equipment and Machinery
- Hot works: welding, cutting etc.
- Man lift operations Work platform /Scissor Lifts/Aerial Lifts
- Crane Operators
- Scaffolding erection, operation and inspection
- Rigging and slinging
- Excavations, Trenching & Shoring
- Working at Height
A solid territorial network in Africa

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