Protecting health and safety at work

At Apave, we are convinced that preventing risks and preserving your company's human capital is a key issue. Safeguarding health and safety at work is a shared responsibility between management, managers, employees and, above all, HSE specialists. Our mission is to support you throughout Africa to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.

Contact us

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any information or quotation you may require for your projects.

The risks you face:

To navigate the complexities of the specific risks within your African working environment, careful analysis and assessment is essential. Our local experts are with you every step of the way.

Apave is with you every step of the way

Risk Assessment
Identification and analysis of HSE risks in the workplace to establish a comprehensive database of existing hazards.
Development of a risk management plan that includes prevention and mitigation strategies tailored to the company's specific needs.
Implementation of recommended safety solutions, training of employees, and installation of the necessary equipment to ensure compliance with safety standards.
Monitoring and improvement
Carrying out regular audits and monitoring safety performance to adjust and continually improve risk management practices.

Apave is with you every step of the way

Risk Assessment
Identification and analysis of HSE risks in the workplace to establish a comprehensive database of existing hazards.
Development of a risk management plan that includes prevention and mitigation strategies tailored to the company's specific needs.
Implementation of recommended safety solutions, training of employees, and installation of the necessary equipment to ensure compliance with safety standards.
Monitoring and improvement
Carrying out regular audits and monitoring safety performance to adjust and continually improve risk management practices.
Digital solution

Improve the safety of your employees with Alert Health & Safety

Alert Health & Safety is an innovative digital solution from Apave that transforms the management of risk situations into a simple, effective and preventive process. Find out how this mobile application is simplifying the way African companies approach health and safety at work.

Your questions on health and safety at work

Effectively managing the risks associated with subcontractors and external companies ensures high standards of health and safety at work while meeting your cost, time, and technical quality criteria.

Apave is present in Africa with a range of dedicated services:

  • Consulting in safety management for external companies: Benefit from tailored support to improve the coordination and monitoring of subcontractors, ensuring compliance with safety standards across the African continent.
  • Training to optimize the management of external companies: Equip your project managers and field teams with best practices and necessary tools to prevent risks related to external interventions.
  • Risk management on worksites: Receive specialized advice to identify, assess, and effectively control risks on your construction or industrial sites.
  • Coordination of safety and health protection: Ensure the safety of all stakeholders on worksites through expert coordination of risk prevention measures.
  • How can I optimise health and safety management within my company?

    Health and Safety Organization Diagnosis: Gain a clear and precise overview of your company's current situation through our online diagnostic tool. Whether you choose to conduct it independently or with the guidance of an Apave expert, this diagnostic provides you with:

    • A comprehensive assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your organization in health and safety.

    • Identification of key areas needing improvement and definition of actions to be taken.

    Prevention Training

    Apave offers a range of training programs designed to enhance your team's skills in all aspects of risk prevention:

    Basics of Risk Prevention: Acquire a fundamental understanding of prevention principles.

    Health, Safety, and Quality of Work Life Referent: Train an employee to become a key player in prevention within your company.

    Responsibilities in Safety, Health, and Prevention: Deepen your knowledge of legal obligations and best practices.

    Prevention Assistant: Train collaborators to effectively support your prevention efforts, regardless of the sector (public or private).

    Continuous Training for Prevention Assistants: Ensure regular updates of knowledge and skills for your teams.

  • How can I simplify and make more effective the detection, analysis and handling of dangerous situations within my company, while digitising processes?

  • How can I encourage the development of a health and safety culture within my company?

  • How can we optimise Quality of Life in the workplace?

  • Why is it essential to implement an occupational health and safety management system as a strategic initiative?

Our other services in Consulting and Technical Support


Benefit from expert support to optimise your company's management systems and boost your operational performance.


Assess, optimise and enhance the performance of your infrastructure and construction projects to improve the management of your real estate assets. Apave in Africa offers project management assistance services with a local team of experts in managing large-scale projects.

We work alongside project owners at every stage of the project, coordinating and covering all your environmental, technical, organisational and risk management needs.

Why Apave? We are at your disposal throughout the African continent:

Local experts

in identifying and managing the risks specific to your business sector.

Methods and tools

for a precise and effective assessment of your health and safety needs.

Tailor-made solutions

designed to provide an operational response to your challenges and improve working conditions within your organisation.
A team of local experts comprising over 20 people!
HSE projects
Over 200 HSE projects in Morocco every year!

Our customer references


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