Alert Santé Sécurité (Health & Safety) is an innovative digital solution from Apave that transforms the management of risk situations into a simple, effective and preventive process. Find out how this mobile application is simplifying the way African companies approach health and safety at work.

Discover Alert Santé Sécurité (Health & Safety) during an online demonstration session!

Lasting 45 minutes, these sessions are free and with no obligation on your part!

Did you know ?

Every month, Apave organises a demonstration session of the Alert Santé Sécurité digital solution. Don't miss the next one!

You want to quickly identify all risk situations to strengthen prevention within your company

Whether you're a prevention officer or a manager, if you want to put health and safety at the heart of your employees' concerns in a simple way, the Alert Santé Sécurité (Health & Safety) application is the solution.

This application, designed in collaboration with Apave's HSE experts, aims to simplify the day-to-day work of those involved in the field. It offers an intuitive approach to reporting everyday hazardous situations via your smartphone. It also enables HSE managers to manage and monitor these high-risk situations, while facilitating the implementation of a continuous improvement approach.

It's very easy to get the START version free for 2 months*, just confirm your request by filling in the form below!

For all company employees

You have an easy-to-use, fluid and practical application that makes it easy to report risks.

In just 3 clicks, I can report a high-risk situation:

For the team responsible for processing data feedback

You have access to an intuitive web space, where you can monitor, analyse, process and report on your feedback.

In 1 minute, I deal with the situation at risk:

What are the benefits of Alert Santé Sécurité (Health & Safety) for you and your teams?

Allowing dangerous situations to be reported
A simple, fun mobile application for reporting dangerous situations observed in the field or any type of risk.
Benefit from automatic reporting
Benefit from automatic reporting on the distribution of dangerous situations in order to prioritise their treatment.
Managing dangerous situations and their corrective actions
Manage dangerous situations and the necessary corrective actions via a Web application.
Raising awareness and involving employees
Raising awareness and involving employees, making them active players in the company's safety culture.

What are the benefits of Alert Santé Sécurité (Health & Safety) for you and your teams?

Allowing dangerous situations to be reported
A simple, fun mobile application for reporting dangerous situations observed in the field or any type of risk.
Benefit from automatic reporting
Benefit from automatic reporting on the distribution of dangerous situations in order to prioritise their treatment.
Managing dangerous situations and their corrective actions
Manage dangerous situations and the necessary corrective actions via a Web application.
Raising awareness and involving employees
Raising awareness and involving employees, making them active players in the company's safety culture.

Alert Santé Sécurité (Health & Safety) in figures

prevention professionals
have already installed the application! Why shouldn't you?
That's the satisfaction rate among users of the free version, who say they're ready to upgrade to an advanced version to explore even more features!

An application that can be customised to suit your needs!

  • With access via mobile and web applications, Alert Health & Safety provides a starting point for integrating the solution into your day-to-day working life.

    • Your team members in the field can actively contribute via the mobile application.

    • Your administrators and managers have direct access to the list of dangerous situations and key performance indicators (KPIs), classified by period, risk category, location and criticality.

    • Your administrators can create Manager accesses completely independently.

    Thanks to this solution, you can set up reporting paths:

    ○ Declare the list of locations and adjust the risk categories to suit your needs.

    ○ Modify the wording of the severity and frequency criteria levels.

    ○ Identify the recipients of hazardous situations according to the location selected.

    ○ Delete steps deemed superfluous or adjust their labels, titles and text fields.

    ○ Promote adoption of the solution by integrating your logo on the mobile application.

  • Alert Santé Sécurité offers extensive flexibility to meet your specific needs through customisation options

    • Record or upload videos directly from the application and your library.

    • Simplify the process by using a pre-defined list of locations for quick reporting.

    • Add geolocation data for each hazardous situation.

    • Extend the areas covered by including categories such as quality, environment and many others as required.

    • Record not only hazardous situations but also information such as good practices, accidents, near misses, etc.

    • Create specific indicators for each theme based on the data reported in the mobile application.

    • Adapt the matrix according to your internal criteria and requirements for a personalised risk assessment.

    • Configure the feedback flow to precisely match your internal process.

    • Extend the ease of use to PCs for greater flexibility in reporting hazardous situations.

    • Integrate data directly into your existing safety management system for efficient centralisation.

    • Track the status of each hazardous situation with dedicated indicators.

    • Ensure seamless synchronisation of data with other Safety Management tools you already use.

    Additional customisation options:

    ○ Create, track and manage action plans linked to one or more feedback events. Assign them to a driver, set deadlines, and export the list to Excel for efficient management.

    ○ Track the progress of your action plans using indicators by location, criticality and site.

    ○ Receive notification as soon as an action is completed, ensuring instant and transparent communication.

    ○ Automate reminders for overdue actions that have not been completed, ensuring action plans are rigorously monitored.

    ○ Enrich action plan documentation by adding photos for deeper understanding.

    ○ Quickly visualise performance with a precise indicator of the number of actions processed compared with the total number of actions created.

    ○ Customise your indicators by tree level.

    In addition, we can develop a fully customised solution tailored to your specific needs. Our team can also help you manage change during the deployment phase.

We provide support throughout the implementation process:

  • Deployment

    At every stage in the deployment of Alert Santé Sécurité, an Apave customer project manager is at your side.

  • Settings

    We can configure it to your specific requirements.

  • Monitoring point
    Monitoring point

    Regular monitoring is carried out to assess progress and make any necessary adjustments.

  • Scoping study
    Scoping study

    The scoping study is carried out with precision to ensure successful implementation.

  • Use

    With our user guide at your disposal, you can easily master the use of the solution.

  • Deployment

    At every stage in the deployment of Alert Santé Sécurité, an Apave customer project manager is at your side.

  • Settings

    We can configure it to your specific requirements.

  • Monitoring point
    Monitoring point

    Regular monitoring is carried out to assess progress and make any necessary adjustments.

  • Scoping study
    Scoping study

    The scoping study is carried out with precision to ensure successful implementation.

  • Use

    With our user guide at your disposal, you can easily master the use of the solution.

  • Deployment

    At every stage in the deployment of Alert Santé Sécurité, an Apave customer project manager is at your side.

  • Settings

    We can configure it to your specific requirements.

  • Monitoring point
    Monitoring point

    Regular monitoring is carried out to assess progress and make any necessary adjustments.

  • Scoping study
    Scoping study

    The scoping study is carried out with precision to ensure successful implementation.

  • Use

    With our user guide at your disposal, you can easily master the use of the solution.

For a successful deployment, we recommend that you surround yourself with a team of experts

Organisation of the pilot phase

• Selection of sites and key players for the pilot phase.

• Internal support to explain and raise awareness of the project.

• In-depth evaluation of the pilot phase, analysing employee perceptions, manager involvement and the quantity and quality of feedback.

organisation of the deployment phase

• Internal communication plan to involve all employees.

• Mobilisation of managers as carriers and ambassadors of the project.

• Activating operational staff to make an active contribution, generating reliable feedback to steer effective actions.

managing the deployment phase

• Regular project debriefing meetings to discuss progress, feedback rates and the relevance of the information collected.

• Definition of action plans tailored to the type of feedback received, to ensure continuous development.

We can help you if you need it!

By introducing an innovative solution that had no equivalent on the market, Apave received the innovation award at the Préventica Paris 2019 trade show for its Alert Santé Sécurité (Health & Safety) product.


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