
Apave Sahel can help you achieve airport certification

Top News10/31/2024
Apave Sahel, in collaboration with Camas, has just certified Teranga Sureté Aéroportuaire (TSA) to the ISO 9001 standard, underlining its commitment to excellence.

ISO 9001 certification for TSA

TSA, a company specialising in the application of security measures for airlines in accordance with national and international standards, has asked Apave Sahel to audit and certify its quality management system.


This is an important step for TSA, which aims to boost customer satisfaction and optimise its internal processes. Following a rigorous audit, TSA obtained certification for a period of three years, validating its commitment to best quality practices.

The Importance of Certification

in the Airport Sector

In the aeronautics sector, safety and quality are paramount. Our subsidiary Apave Sahel, in collaboration with Camas, carries out ISO 9001 certification audits.
ISO 9001 certification enables airport operators to demonstrate :

  • Their mastery of national and international airport security standards and best practice in quality management systems
  • Their ability to increase customer satisfaction and improve their overall efficiency and performance.


In addition to ISO9001 certification, Apave Sahel also offers its customers ISO 45001 (workplace safety) and ISO 14001 (environment) certification, and is extending its services to include training, discharge measurements and inspection.


‘All these services enable us to help our customers control their risks, so that they can carry out their activities on airport platforms in complete safety,’ adds Daouda BA, CEO of Apave Sahel.

Find out more about ISO 9001

La norme ISO 9001 est une norme internationale qui vise à implémenter un système de management de la qualité au sein des entreprises et des organismes de toutes tailles, et dans tous les secteurs d’activité. Elle fait partie du référentiel des normes ISO 9000 (ISO 9000, ISO 9001 et ISO 9004), dont l’objectif est d’améliorer la satisfaction des clients.


""Découvrez nos prestations en certification de management

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