Your environmental issues

Soil degradation, air and water pollution, waste management, noise pollution, the release of harmful and polluting substances... All construction projects present considerable risks for the environment and local biodiversity. To minimise the impact of your future building or infrastructure on the planet, it is therefore imperative that, as a developer, project owner or future manager, you carry out environmental studies and diagnostics with an authorised body.
Apave in Africa can help you combine environmental performance and competitiveness, and integrate all environmental issues throughout the life cycle of your project.
Apave in Africa can help you combine environmental performance and competitiveness, and integrate all environmental issues throughout the life cycle of your project.
Contact us
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any information or quotation you may require for your projects.
Apave solutions

We offer a range of expertise to help you measure the impact of your future project on the environment and put in place virtuous and sustainable measures to protect the planet. We can carry out environmental impact studies prior to the works, as well as targeted environmental diagnostics.
Depending on your needs, the type of site and the issues you face, we offer a range of tailor-made solutions:
- Diagnostics and studies of polluted sites and soils
- Air quality diagnostics
- Measurement of atmospheric emissions
- Analysis of pollution risks
- Noise and vibration measurements
- Consulting and technical support on implementing a low-carbon strategy
- Environmental certification
- Training courses, etc.
Apave's expertise
Apave in Africa has a team of 800 experts with a wide range of skills, specialising in environmental, technical and human risk management. This means you benefit from the support of seasoned professionals capable of carrying out exhaustive and meticulous environmental studies in unbeatable timeframes. We assign an expert with an excellent knowledge of your business and a perfect command of the technical and environmental regulations specific to your project, to provide individualised support tailored to your issues, needs and constraints. What's more, Apave en Afrique, an independent third-party organisation, has the necessary certifications and approvals to carry out environmental studies and diagnostics that comply with the regulatory requirements in force in the country of operation. |
Our locations
A solid territorial network in Africa

Your questions
about environmental studies and diagnostics
What is an environmental diagnosis?
Environmental diagnosis consists of carrying out an audit, at a given moment in time, to identify the sensitive environmental factors of an activity. It is an essential decision-making tool for understanding, managing and measuring the environmental impact of a construction project or activity, and for taking appropriate corrective action. -
What is an environmental impact assessment?
The EIA (environmental impact assessment) is a procedure carried out prior to the implementation of a large-scale project (development, construction, demolition, etc.). It is a predictive analysis designed to measure the consequences of human action on the environment, as well as the levers to be deployed to minimise or eliminate these harmful effects throughout the life cycle of the building or structure (noise, visual nuisance, water and air quality, pollution, dangers in the event of an incident, impact on the ecosystem and biodiversity, etc.). In other words, this study ensures that environmental considerations are taken into account in all decisions concerning the project. -
Why carry out an environmental study?
Carrying out an environmental study is first and foremost a response to the major issues at stake in preserving the planet. It may also be required by local authorities as part of the process of obtaining planning permission. Carrying out an environmental study is also a powerful way of strengthening your company's transparency and encouraging the design of a sustainable project that puts environmental issues at the forefront. -
How is an environmental impact assessment carried out?
At Apave, we follow a rigorous methodology for carrying out an environmental impact assessment. Once we have received the client's request and identified the expert in charge of the project, we define the project, the scope of the study and the various points to be assessed. The file is then forwarded to the competent body responsible for validating the terms of reference for the environmental assessments and adding any points for observation. The experts then visit the site to carry out the study in accordance with the procedures agreed beforehand. A final report is then drawn up and a public consultation is held. If the assessment reveals any negative impacts, we make proposals to limit, cancel or compensate for them. -
When should an environmental impact assessment be carried out?
Any construction, development or demolition project may be subject to an environmental impact assessment. This assessment must be carried out by an approved third-party organisation. The study must be carried out as far upstream as possible to ensure that all environmental considerations are taken into account right from the project design phase.
choose Apave?

For more than 60 years, we have been committed to supporting you to achieve industrial performance and the digitisation of proceeses. Our multi-skilled team is capable of effectively addressing all your risk management challenges.

We are seasoned professionals in our fields and we offer you high-level technical expertise to control technical, human, environmental, digital and technological risks. For more than 150 years, Apave's experts have been providing consultancy services and customised solutions to meet our customers' needs.

Our strong presence in Africa means we can quickly respond to all your requests, whatever your needs: inspection, training, consultancy, tests and measurement, etc.
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